Listing Users and Roles
Listing Users
Log in to the Jupyter console as a user with one of these roles: AIZEN_ADMIN, PROJECT_CREATOR, or PROJECT_ADMIN.
Create or open a notebook.
Execute the
list users
command to display a list of the users registered in Aizen:
Listing Roles
Log in to the Jupyter console as user one of these roles AIZEN_ADMIN or PROJECT_ADMIN.
Create or open a notebook.
Execute the
list roles
command to display a list of the roles registered in Aizen:
If you do not specify the user ID, the command will list the roles for the current logged-in user.
If you do not set the current project, the command will display only system-level roles that have been granted.
If you set the current project, the output will include both system-level and project-level roles.
Last updated