
Airbyte is an open-source, data-integration platform that extracts data from various sources, loads the data into the target system, and then transforms the data into the appropriate format, a process otherwise known as Extract, Load, and Transform (ELT).

To install Airbyte, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Airbyte repository to your local Helm configuration by running these Helm commands:

    helm repo add airbyte
    helm repo update
    helm search repo airbyte
  2. Install Airbyte by running this Helm command:

    helm -n aizen-infra upgrade aizen-airbyte airbyte/airbyte --version 0.43.29
  3. Create the configuration file, airbyte-ingress.yaml, by running this command:

    kubectl create -f airbyte-ingress.yaml
  4. If the storage class is not picked up correctly, mark one of the storage classes as the default by running these commands:

    kubectl get sc 
    kubectl patch storageclass <your storage class name> -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'

For more information about deploying Airbyte on Kubernetes using Helm, see

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