Installation Issues
This section provides recommended solutions to some commonly seen problems during deployment:
Unable to Pull Images From the Aizen Repository
Error: ImagePullBackOff or ErrImagePull
ImagePullBackOff will be seen when you describe the pod using the command:
Check if the Aizen Repository secret name used during deployment is missing in your namespace, or if the Aizen Repository credential name was misspelled during deployment:
If the names are missing, create them by running this command:
Pods in a Failed State
When the state of specified pods is not in a Running state, run this command:
Check the describe output for the pod:
No Space Left on Device
Error: No space left on device
This error is seen during the execution of console commands.
Validate that the storage class has the property ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION set to true:
Increase the storage size for the PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) without any downtime:
Edit the storage size of the PVC:
Edit and increase the storage size for all the PVCs listed by the previous command.
Delete the storage StatefulSet:
Redeploy the chart to re-create storage StatefulSet:
The storage StatefulSet will be created with the updated PVC size:
Last updated